At the end of 2022 it was made public that CTEC has changed the structure of the organization by inviting the online community to be a permanent part of CTEC going forward. When planning and optimizing the yearly event in Denmark the team meets once a month on Discord.
The individual teams present their recent work and decisions to work individually and together with both “ad hoc” and permanent CTEC sections. One team focuses on the NES while another team is working with the Game Boy tournaments. Other teams work with solutions for streaming and the practical challenges connected to the equipment and setup on location. This way of working has opened up CTEC to make it more attainable for talented members to work on important tasks. It improves the communication between CTEC and the community greatly and includes recent events with new possibilities to be adapted and executed. CTEC now consists of members who have been either playing or organizing CTEC from the beginning and/or members who have joined the community over the years.