We are moving server - Parts of the site might still need to be updated.

This web app is made to help you find any info you might need when helping us making CTEC the best experience for all.

To communicate with other team members please use the “#team_on_location_2023” channel on our Discord Server.

Our TEAM SCHEDULE has been cleared with the Museum.


For the crew in CPH:
1. BV
2. Franticthumb
3. Tolstoj
4. Toni
5. -JJ
6. Kirjava
7. Muf
8. Jesper
9. Jacob
10. Gunter
11. Hezzuli
12. Jago
13. Mattias
14. Svavar
15. Chrisstoffer
16. Emi
17. Enigma (crew)
18. roccoricci
19. Nintendopusheren
20. all your on-site friends
21. Dyst (for the preparty tournaments)

On the site add:
22. pumpyheart
23. AdamMts
24. Vince Clemente
25. Marq
26. Sakurion
27. E. Cicilie?
28. 3RR0R404?

Team “On Location”.
29.Anders Kaptajn
30. Andreas Enigma
31. Andreas Risager
32. Casper (NP)
33. Gareth
34. Kenneth (NP/22)
35. Mads Jacobsen
36. Vegas (NP)

Who is where?



Daily Briefing Friday, Saturday & Sunday. The time will be announced here – but expect an hour before doors open.

MONDAY 13th of November 2023

The museum is closed on Mondays and therefore allows us to do the mayor changes first day of the week.

Practical planing regarding where to place what and how to setup will be sorted during the monday and before the meeting.

Online meeting with all team members who are involved with planing and execution of CTEC 2023 on location. Practical informations are given at the meeting and an overlook of the week is explained including expectations of number of guests and players. 

14/11-23 Tirsdag – små forberedelser foretages uden at det forstyrrer gæster og øvrige udstilling.   
15/11-23 Onsdag – de første fra teamet kommer til DK og see location. 
16/11-23 Torsdag – generalprøve for stream setup. 
Køleskab og bar leveres til ENIGMA
17/11-23 Fredag – kvalifikationsrunder som også streames. 
18/11-23 Lørdag – kvalifikation og første finale (der er flere kategorier). Jeg tænker at lørdag er den vi satser på som mest publikumsvenlig. Altså den vi promoverer og sørger for at der er folk til som kan svare på spørgsnål og reklamere for hele museet. 
19/11-23 Søndag – turnering og finale. 
20/11-23 Mandag – (lukkedag) Sidste nedpakning og udstilling flyttes på plads. 

Entrance Fee: Museum TBA

For ad hoc updates that requires attention while the event is live.  Types of info: A team member’s question that needs support from – or is relevant to – other team members. Sudden changes in programs. Problems that can be solved by a few. And the like. 

We have a dedicated Discord channel on our server for Team members who are part of the event on location

List of official referees is found in NES & GAME BOY section on this page.

Referee Protocol Qualification

17th November 2023

  1. Hard reset the console.
    Tetris Gym: Delete the leaderboard by pressing twice down and then twice start.

  2. Check with the player if everything is working.

  3. Explain to the player once more: DAS ONLY mode counts for both CTEC and CTEC DAS tournaments. Regular mode high-scores are only valid for the CTEC tournament. Players can freely choose regular or DAS mode during their qualification period.

  4. Player start at exactly 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 or 20:00h.

  5. If a player would like a score to be submitted, they raise their hand signaling the referee.

  6. The referee checks qualifying/playstyle mode in the menu of the Tetris Gym cart.

  7. Then record the score in the tournament spreadsheet via your phone.

  8. Qualification slot ends at 13:45, 15:45, 17:45, 19:45 and 21:45h.
    Games started after the timer reaches 1 hour and 45 minutes do not count. A game started before the timer runs out can continue until the top-out. 6. End of the qualification period.

You are always welcome to join our DISCORD server:


To interact with others who are on location at the CTEC 2023 event please say hello in the channel: 

CTEC2023 > #onlocationchat2023


To show your participation please add yourself as attending to the event.

CTEC mainly uses STREAM A & STREAM B when streaming the annual event.










This sections aims at listing all  the different signs we have placed around in the different areas during the event. 

Sign for print (pdf):




Make sure you to sign up and submitted all your details to:
